
the Native Christmas Bazaar has been canceled at this time.




New location announcement


120 W 4th st
wewoka OK 74884


We are proud to announce the boys and Girls club.

For more information, please contact Shaina moon.

Contact Info

405-257-6604 ext 118

To sign up for our boys and Girls club. Please click the logo and fill out the form.








all applications must be placed in our drop box at this time.

no copies will be made at our location until further notice.

If copies are needed, please visit the wewoka library or sniders printing co.

Wewoka library

118 W 5th st wewoka 


Snider printing co

210 S wewoka ave



The Housing Authority of the Seminole Nation of Oklahoma (HASNOK) welcomes you to our website. HASNOK is the Tribally Designated Housing Entity (TDHE) for the Seminole Nation of Oklahoma.

HASNOK Operates under Housing and Urban Development (HUD) programs authorized under the Native American Assistance and Self Determination Act of 1996 (NAHASDA) and the Policies and Procedures developed and approved by the Board of Commissioners for HASNOK.


It is our desire that the website provides important information and assistance regarding HASNOK's programs.

ICDBG Citizen Participation Notice

What We Do:
The Housing Authority of the Seminole Nation of Oklahoma utilizes funds from the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development's Indian Housing Block Grants, and pursuant to the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act (NAHASDA) OF 1996. Our mission is to create affordable housing through safe and viable communities that enhance the quality of life for tribally enrolled members of the Seminole Nation.